Configuration generator

The configuration generator is responsible for generating the default Microservice Stack configuration. Without this configuration, the project will be without deployments.

You can run the configuration generator by executing the following command:

nx generate @microservice-stack/workspace:configuration-generator

This command will generate the following files/folders:


This folder contains a pre-generated Github CI workflow, that has two workflows preconfigured. check workflow, which is responsible for running lint, tests, and build on affected projects and deploy workflow which is responsible for deploying affected projects to the configured cloud.


This folder contains configurations required to setup local and cloud infrastructure.

  • charts subfolder contains node service deployment configuration and ingress controller configuration.

  • local subfolder contains deployment values for postgres, rabbitmq, and redis deployments, along with Dockerfile that is used for building base image.

  • cloud subfolder contains terraform configuration that will setup the basic infrastructure on AWS

  • ingress-values.yaml file contains ingress route configuration.

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